Monday, October 10, 2011

Ok here we go..:)

Well this is my first official post on my baking blog. I don't quite know how all of this works so it's going to take some time and patience to learn it all so bear with me.

I figured I'd start off by showing a few pictures of some previous desserts I have baked (and am particularly proud of!) and just begin by showing the level I'm at right now. :)

 These sunflower cupcakes I made for my boyfriend's sister for her birthday this past April and I absolutely LOVE them. They were M&M cupcakes, the middle is an oreo, the yellow "petals" are vanilla frosting and the "ladybug" is a red M&M with melted chocolate piped on to it. SO CUTE.

These are a crowd favorite everytime I make them. They are S'more cupcakes with a graham cracker cupcake, filled with chocolate ganache, topped with marshamallow frosting, and garnished with a drizzle of chocolate ganache and graham cracker crumbs. Very delicious. :)

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes. oh-em-gee these were delicious. I made these for my family reunion over the summer and everyone loved them. But beware, they are PACKED with sugary deliciousness. The cupcake is flavored to taste like cookie dough, the filling tastes just like cookie dough as well as the frosting, then  it is topped with a chips ahoy cookie and mini chocolate chips. Yummm. :)

Honestly, I haven't found a recipe for a strawberry flavored cupcake that I actually like. It's either too dry, too boring, too digusting, etc. But THIS is a Strawberry Daiquiri Cupcake and it is freaking amazing. The strawberry flavor in it is absolutely perfect and then the frosting just adds to it perfectly. I made these once just for the hell of it and then again for my sister's bachelorette party. Both times were equally delicious. :)

This cake I made for my friend's daughter's 1st birthday. It's lemon cake with strawberry cream cheese frosting  which is my favorite flavor combination and it worked perfectly with the girly pink John Deere theme. I was actually pretty proud of myself with this one. The John Deere logo is definitely my favorite part which is made out of sugar sheets. The flowers were a little irritating at first but it all worked out in the end. It was very well worth it. :)

Well now you know a little bit about what I do and get a better idea at what this blog is going to be about. Have a great day! :)

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